Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What's Wrong With This Picture?

This is what you get when you sew when you're tired.....the worst part is, I completely screwed up the star points on the bottom and didn't even notice when I sewed the right side on backwards!

The Market Review party went very well, and I all but collapsed on Sunday.

I have spent this week CLEANING my office. Man-o-man, was it ever bad. Unfortunately, the majority of the clutter was stuff that I needed to take home - sample quilts, bolt-ends of fabrics, stuff and more stuff. This now means that I must sort through it and put it AWAY in my sewing room. But wouldn't it be more fun to start something new???? We'll see where my discipline takes me.....

I hope all of my US friends have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving day tomorrow. We will spend the day at Russ' sister's house. I cooked a turkey last night and tonight I will make brownies and then tomorrow morning will be the corn casserole. Pacing it all out makes it seem like I'm not cooking all that much - just how I like it!

Gobble, gobble -

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Well, tomorrow is D-Day regarding the Quilt Market party - I've sewn all that I can and tonight I'm going to sit in my recliner, watch Grey's Anatomy and ER and hand applique.

The mad-scientist workspace clean-up will just have to wait for another day.

Could it be that I'm no longer motivated to sew simply because the mess is just too overwhelming? Interestingly enough, my office at work looks worse. I think I know what's on my agenda for next week....

Now for random thoughts -

One morning this week as I was driving past my side-yard, I noticed this iris blooming. It's mid-November. What's up with that? This particular iris has never bloomed before. Do you think it's schizophrenic?
As I was perusing the photos I downloaded from my camera, I ran across this photo. It's a partial quilt being designed/made by Jo Morton for her new book due out in early '07. Don't you just love the pink?
I also attended a schoolhouse session with Kaffe Fassett. Here he is explaining his design wall philosophy: use a neutral (taupe or khaki) flannel sheet as your design wall. White is too stark and reflects too much light. He designs ALL of his quilts this way - every single piece is placed on the design wall before a stitch is sewn. I'm not sure I'm that patient, but it's an interesting theory.

Okay. Cristina just got busted for covering for Burke by Dr. Bailey. I should pay attention now.

I'll do my best to post pictures of all the new samples this weekend.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Little Tease....

Here's a little tease on what I'm sewing for our Market Review party....

Yeah, it's just a table runner, but it's quilted and bound!

Remember this? The last time I showed it, it was just the appliqued middle. I bordered it with squares and actually HAND-QUILTED it! It's been finished for a couple of weeks, and since I had black thread on the machine from binding the table runner, I went ahead and bound it too.

I lost most of yesterday. I went to visit my grandmother for what I thought was going to be a couple of hours. It turned into way more than that and ended on an ugly emotional note. She is 90 and has always been a controlling, domineering personality. Let's just say that she has not mellowed with age. Even though I KNOW how she is, how can she still have the ability to cut me to the quick and hurt me? I left her house in emotional shambles. I was just too exhausted to function once I got home. I know many of you have taken on the responsibility of caring for aging parents. And some of those parents are difficult to deal with due to personality, age and dementia. I admire all of you who have chosen to do this on a daily basis. You are truly saints. I thank God daily for my loving, understanding husband and friends who support me when I've been beaten down. I hope all of you have these kinds of wonderful friends in your life.

Enough drama - back to work for me......

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sewing, Sewing, Sewing.....

Since my return from Quilt Market, I have been sewing like a mad woman (...and, that's different, how?). Seriously, we're having a Market Review party at the shop on the 17th, and we're all working very hard to have as many samples on hand as possible. I'd show you pictures, but guess where my camera is? Yep, right next to my computer at work. I'll share as soon as I get my act together.

However, since my internet service at home is apparently stronger than that at the La Quinta in Houston, here's the shot of Merle as a dash ornament.

Isn't he just the cutest?