The Scrappy Monster
Well, here's a shot of the scrappy monster in all its glory. I had to have 2 girls stand on chairs to fit it all in the frame!
Here's a closeup of the blocks. As you can see, there is every type of fabric under the sun in this quilt. I used no planning, layout or care regarding fabric color or pattern when piecing the blocks together. I have several friends and customers who almost go into epileptic shock when I tell them this - "Oh, I could NEVER do it that way!" Why? Why is scrappy so hard for some people? I'm not trying to talk down about those people....I just truly don't understand it. If the intent from the get-go is to use the everything and the kitchen sink, wouldn't you just make yourself crazy trying to have it make sense all along? I even told one friend that in order to get over her scrappy-phobia, she should try to make the blocks as UGLY and MISMATCHED as she could! Her eyes lit up and she said that she thinks she might can do that. Perhaps if she is not TRYING to create a matched masterpiece of each block, she'll end up with one by accident. Again, this is one of life's mysteries that I am trying to understand.
Since the quilt was 84" wide, I needed some filler blocks to expand the backing. So, there's more blocks slithering down the back. The green was something I had on hand (I needed 6 yards), and I quilted it with variegated thread, hoping to get a nice design on the back. It's currently on the bed, and but it's still kind of stiff since I only washed it once. I bet it will get nice and soft after a few more washings....
Time to go. It's "Family Fun Night" which means I make EVERYBODY accompany me to the grocery store. If I have to suffer through it, so can they. The upside is we get to eat out first!