Making Binding......
......the Sophie way. Is it any wonder I get anything done? (oh yeah, just overlook all the clutter....I'm not finished cleaning yet!) And yes, she does think she owns the ironing board.
Can you believe I haven't been in my sewing room for almost 2 weeks? Last Thursday I quilted and bound this small shop sample. Other than that, I've had meetings in the evenings, or I get home late, or I've just been too tired to think.
As an update on Audrey's camp quilt: I asked her when she got home what the other girls thought of her quilt and her respones was - "They thought I was all that and a bag of chips!". I guess it's good to be thought of as "all that". And by the way, yes, it was too short for her bunk, but she took a blanket for the tuck-you-toes part and the quilt was just top dressing.
Last night Audrey and I attended a Super Suppers gathering with other women from church. If you've never heard of Super Suppers, it's this place where you go and assemble entree casseroles from fresh ingredients to take home and bake. They've done all the chopping and pre-cooking for you! We had a great time - Audrey loved the "Mr. Wizard" assembly part - even if she won't eat anything that was prepared (she has yet to learn to eat like a human; if it's not a chicken nugget, a fish stick, a sandwich or a bowl of soup or cereal, or cheese pizza, she doesn't want it...). I made 4 entrees - a barbecue chicken braided bread thing, chicken spaghetti, King Ranch casserole (chicken with a Mexican flair), and parmesan chicken with creamy sage sauce. I put one in the fridge for Thursday and the others in the freezer for later. I'll let you know how it all tastes once I actually get to cook it! What's nice is that you can make a 1/2 serving which serves 3 people. We can have it for dinner once and then there's leftovers that Mr. Man can eat later in the week. When I make chicken spaghetti or King Ranch casserole, it's enough to feed an entire army.
Tonight we're meeting with our financial advisor (another night with no cooking) and tomorrow morning I'm have a minor medical procedure done (girl parts...yuk! Don't want 'em, done using 'em) and will be out of it most of the day. When do I get to sew again?