Friday, January 20, 2006

Domestic Diva Thursday

A day in the life of the (non) Domestic Diva:

7:00 Get up - read e-mail
7:30 Get Audrey up for school. Keep reading blogs and e-mail
8:00 Yell at Audrey to get ready.
8:10 Yell again at Audrey to get ready
8:20 Ask Audrey if she's ready
8:22 Tell Audrey she can't wear flip-flops to school because it's PE day. She got in trouble on Tuesday for not wearing sneakers.
8:23 No, I don't know where your sneakers are
8:26 We're going to be late - FIND a pair of shoes!
8:33 Drop Audrey off at school - late
8:35 Take a shower.
9:00 Begin cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. Can you say EEEEEWWWWWW?
9:15 Put the frozen chicken in hot water to thaw and start a load of laundry. Back to the bedroom.
10:00 Come back downstairs to put laundry in the dryer and run another sinkful of water for the chicken
11:00 Finish cleaning upstairs. Begin prepping the chicken for roasting and turn on the oven. Fold laundry. Eat half a PB&J sandwich
11:30 Load a shop sample quilt on the Gammill. Check the TV for something to watch while I'm quilting. Settle on "Troy" - it was an okay movie. Brad Pitt's nekkid backside helped.
12:30 Check on chicken. Continue quilting.
1:30 Check on chicken. Almost done.
2:00 Take chicken out of oven. Finish quilting on sample. Take it off the machine.
2:15 Piece back for Streak of Lightning top completed last weekend. Load quilt on Gammill and begin quilting.
3:00 Put cooling chicken in the fridge. Wash roasting pan.
3:05 Quilt some more.
3:30 Go upstairs to get dressed to go out in the world (the reason I needed to do laundry....)
4:00 Quilt for 20 more minutes.
4:20 Leave to pick up Audrey at school for orchestra class.
5:00 Orchestra class.
6:15 Do a "drive by" at the house to pick up Russ. He wants to go shopping for clothes - he's got a coupon.
6:20 Shop with Mr. Indesicion.
7:00 Arrive back home and make supper and eat.
7:30 Quilt some more.
8:00 Go upstairs and watch CSI with Russ (while checking e-mail on the laptop). Send e-mail to my "posse" for getting signatures on the fundraiser quilt.
9:00 Come back downstairs and finish quilting quilt #2. Also make some more leader/ender blocks.
9:30 Audrey hands me her headgear with one of the bands attached. Must call orthodontist in the morning.
10:30 Get ready for bed.

While I felt very productive, I don't think I could do this every day......



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your supermarket sell preroasted (rotisserie) chickens? Save yourself a lot of cooking time and use it to take a walk/exercise before quilting! :-)

4:12 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I hear ya about preroasted chickens, but most of them have a residual "flavor" - which is okay, but I wanted plain roasted chicken. I made chicken noodle soup using the leftovers and there's still enough left for chicken salad.

8:22 AM  

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