Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Siren's Song

I can tell we are on the downside of winter because there's a little bit more daylight each evening when I get home from work. Since Russ wasn't home yet, I didn't immediately begin making dinner as usual. I went out front to get the mail (our driveway is in the back) and decided to investigate just how bad my flower beds look. Now, those of you who know me, know that I am a fair-weathered gardener. I get all gung-ho in the spring and peter out when it gets really hot. I hung with it pretty well last summer, but with the drought I completely gave up by the end of September. I planted a bunch of bulbs and figured they wouldn't have a chance since I quit watering in October and we have had virtually no rain. So upon investigation of all the dead stuff, look what I found.....
My bulbs are coming up! I have other plants putting on new greenery also. Oh no. The siren song of gardening is beginning to call to me. However, having lived in Texas all my life, I KNOW that we are not out of the woods yet as far as hard freezes go. I just hope my new bulb-lets don't get frostbitten. This winter has been so mild, I am afraid that February is going to be brutal. We'll see.

This is what I get when I shut the studio door. Sophie is letting me know that I "forgot" to let her in. I spent this evening after dinner finishing the quilting on the Amy Butler quilt as well as making more leader/ender scrap blocks. I only need 5 more!

Hopefully, I can get the AB quilt trimmed and bound tomorrow.



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