Proof of Sewing...and Some Weird Things About Me
Okay. Here's proof of actual sewing.....
This is the crumb quilt I quilted on Sunday. Bound and everything!
Here's a picture of the back with the crumb block strip inset. Since the top was 44", I had to do something make the backing wider.
This is a the sample for our Strip Club in May. The strips will be black and white prints.
Okay. There's a tagging thing going around the Mavericks where we are supposed to list 6 weird or quirky facts about ourselves. I haven't really thought much about it, but here goes.
1. I can't go to sleep unless is it is completely silent or there is a consistent noise (like a sound machine). Can't sleep with the TV on or if my husband is snoring (which would be EVERY night). The fluctuating sound keeps me awake. I also can't go to sleep if it's daylight - so napping is not my strong suit. If I take a nap, I'm exhausted or sick.
2. Like Sarah, I can't sleep unless my shoulders are covered. I sleep with a sheet, a blanket and a minimum of 2 quilts on me year round. I love the weight of being covered up.
3. I am a born copyeditor. Give me something to read, and I immediately notice grammar, syntax and spelling before I absorb content. Our local newspaper is so bad that I could redline it every day. Makes me crazy!
4. I have difficulty with idle time. I can't just sit and watch TV. I can't just sit, period. I think my mother instilled this in me - "there's always something to be done".
5. I have no sense of personal style. I can put a great quilt together, but I can't dress myself. If I find a pair of pants that fit, I'll buy one in every color and wear them until they wear out. I'd like to be hip, but I have no clue how to go about it.
6. I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink. My entire house might look like a refugee camp, but I can't abide dishes with food still on them. My family just doesn't comprehend this one. Dishes with dried food on them doesn't faze them. I have refused to buy frozen pizza for over a year because I had to scrub one too many plates with dried cheese on it. Because of this quirk, I'm a fairly clean cook. By the time we eat, the only things left to wash are the plates and utensils and the serving dishes.
7. I am addicted to TV. 'nuff said.
8. If it's fried, I will probably eat it. Except for oysters and calf fries. I am truly Southern.
9. I talk to my cats and they talk back.
10. I read something every night in bed before turning out the light. It might just be a page or two, but it's something. I often have several novels going at one by the bed, one in the car, one in my take-along get the picture.
11. I carry my cash in my pocket instead of my purse. All bills are in sequential order.
Whew! And I'm just getting started.... I'd better stop before I completely freak you out!