The Fine Art of Avoidance
Yesterday, I practiced the fine art of avoidance. I was supposed to begin putting the orchestra quilt together. Well, I went into the studio about 1o am. All those little broken dishes blocks were sitting on my cutting table along with the leftover border fabric from the Steamer Trunk Treasure sample. I had to finish this up first, right? Else those little blocks would be swept aside and another UFO would be born. So I made TWO miniature quilt tops out of them (roughly 15x18 and 15x15). This process took about 2 hours.
I fought the urge to go ahead and quilt them, but I did make the binding for both.
By this time, it was around noon and time to get something to eat. After lunch, I realized what a pretty day it was and the flower beds out front began calling to me. It was time to cut back all the dead growth on the perennials and pull out the plants that died due to the drought last summer. After the major cleanup, there was so much naked space that I just had to run to Wally World and buy a few plants - and if I'm going to start some plants from seed, I need to get that started, right? This took me til 5:30.
Time for a quick shower and meet the neighbors for a dinner date at 6. After dinner, we had to stop at the grocery store for lunch provisions for the week. Got home about 7:30 and Russ wanted to watch a movie.
Major procrastination won the day.
However, today was a different story. After looking at my calendar - an unexpected family dinner Wednesday night and a visit from a good friend from out of town on Thursday, it was time to knuckle down. So tonight I put the body of the orchestra quilt together. It's looking pretty good! Tomorrow I will decide if an inner border is required and hopefully will get borders on it tomorrow night.
It's really not putting the top together that I'm avoiding - it's the custom quilting that's required. I just need to knuckle down and do it!